My CV is available here

Working papers

Conceptualizing and Measuring Support for Democracy: A New Approach. [Supplementary materials]

Measuring Rural and Urban Consciousness in Europe. [Supplementary materials]

Is There a Rural-Urban Political Divide in Britain? [Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

Including Measurement Uncertainty in Time-Series, Cross-Sectional Analyses: The Case of Mood and Democracy. [Supplementary materials]

Published research

2024. Immigration and Public Support for Political Systems in Europe, Perspectives on Politics. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2023. Public Support for Democracy in the United States Has Declined Generationally, Public Opinion Quarterly. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2022. Effective Government and Evaluations of Democracy, Comparative Political Studies. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2022. Does Immigration Produce a Public Backlash or Public Acceptance? Time-Series, Cross-Sectional Evidence from 30 European Democracies, British Journal of Political Science. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials | The UK in Changing Europe Blog]

2021. Do Threats Galvanize Authoritarians or Mobilize Non-Authoritarians? Experimental Tests from 19 European Societies, Political Psychology. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials]

2020. Putting Groups Back Into the Study of Political Intolerance, in At the Forefront of Political Psychology: Essays in Honor of John L. Sullivan. Routledge

2020. In the Mood for Democracy? Democratic Support as Thermostatic Opinion, American Political Science Review. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Coverage in The Economist]

2020. Does Public Support Help Democracy Survive?, American Journal of Political Science. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Washington Post Monkey Cage blog post]

2020. Deplorables: Emotions, Political Sophistication, and Political Intolerance, American Politics Research. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials]

2019. Estimating Smooth Country-Year Panels of Public Opinion, Political Analysis. [Ungated version | Replication materials | Washington Post Monkey Cage blog post]

2019. Does Intolerance Dampen Dissent? Macro-Tolerance and Protest in American Metropolitan Areas, Political Behavior. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials | Washington Post Monkey Cage blog post]

2018. Improving and Validating Survey Estimates of Religious Demography Using Bayesian Multilevel Models and Poststratification, Sociological Methods & Research. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials]  

2017. Explaining South African Xenophobia, Afrobarometer Working Papers.

2016. Group Entitlement, Anger and Participation in Intergroup Violence, British Journal of Political Science. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2015. Measuring University Quality, Scientometrics. [Ungated version | Replication code]

2015. Ideological Labels in America, Political Behavior. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials]  

2014. Who Participates in Communal Violence? Evidence from South Africa, Research & Politics. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2011. Estimating the Effects of Activists in Two-Party and Multi-Party Systems: A Comparison of the United States and Israel, Social Choice and Welfare. [Ungated version | Supplementary materials | Replication materials]

2011. Empirical and Formal Models of the United States Presidential Elections in 2000 and 2004, in The Political Economy of Institutions, Democracy and Voting, Springer.

2010. Racial Reconciliation in South Africa: Interracial Contact and Changes over Time, Journal of Social Issues. [Ungated version]